
“Promoting Direct Democracy for Strengthening Human Rights in Armenia”
Implementer: AYLA President Syuzanna Soghomonyan, within the framework of the EaP Civil Society Fellowship funded by the European Union within its Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility.
Donor organization. European Union
Financial support: 5,000 euros
Term. May 2020 – to this day
Project Description: The objective of the project is monitoring of the implementation of the first eight months of the “National Strategy for the Protection of Human Rights and its Implementation Action Plan for 2020-2022”, including:
– Carrying out a quantitative and qualitative monitoring of the implementation of the strategy. Conducting in-depth expert interviews with the key responsible persons for the measures envisaged in the implementation action plan within the scope of monitoring. Developing a separate in-depth expert interview questionnaire for each group of surveyed informants. Organizing focus group discussions:
– Developing of a report based on the results of monitoring:
– Organizing a conference in Government-CSO cooperation format. Developing proposals on the improvement of the public policy based on the results of the Conference:
– Raising public awareness of the National Strategy for the Protection of Human Rights and its measures, as well as the implementation of the strategy; increasing the professional skills of young lawyers in the field of human rights;
– Organizing a republican conference dedicated to the protection of human rights, within the framework of which young people will have the opportunity to carry out research work, developing their own analytical legal thinking and rhetorical skills.
“Informed Citizen” Project
Implementer: AYLA in partnership with independent news website (Prior to the state registration of the AYLA, the organization implemented the project as the “Law Students’ Division (LSD) of the ALA” – a subdivision of the Armenian Lawyers ‘Association NGO).
Financial support: The project is implemented on Pro Bono basis
Project Description: The objective is to inform the public about their rights through video series.
Anti-Corruption School for Young Leaders
Description: The project aims to make young people leaders by developing their capacities in the spheres of fight against corruption and integrity. The lessons of the Anti-Corruption School for Young Leaders (ACCP) consist of theoretical lectures and practical tasks, including group ones. The lessons cover the causes and history of corruption, its manifestations, international anti-corruption measures and documents, anti-corruption tools, including the analysis of officials’ declarations, illicit enrichment, whistleblowing, overcoming corruption in public procurement, etc. The lecturers of the main staff of ACCP, as well as visiting professors teach at the school. Visits to state and local self-government bodies as well as other commercial and non-commercial organizations are also held within the framework of the school. At the end, the students of the school conduct research that is aimed at monitoring the public policy and public budget, as well as the presentation of proposals for their improvement in the light of international best practices. As a rule, every year on 9 December, the International Anti-Corruption Day, the school graduates present their graduation paper to the attention of the jury of consisting of the members of CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia and receive certificates of completion.
Fifth Flow
Implementer: AYLA in partnership with the Armenian Lawyers’ Association NGO.
Forth Flow
Implementer: AYLA in partnership with the Armenian Lawyers’ Association NGO.
Third Flow
Implementer: AYLA in partnership with the Armenian Lawyers’ Association NGO.
Second Flow
Implementer: AYLA in partnership with the Armenian Lawyers’ Association NGO in the function of the “Law Students’ Division (LSD) of the ALA.
Donor։ US Embassy in Armenia
First Flow
Implementer: AYLA in partnership with the Armenian Lawyers’ Association NGO in the function of the “Law Students’ Division (LSD) of the ALA.
Donor: OSCE Office in Yerevan
“Young Lawyers” Project
Implementer: AYLA in partnership with independent news website (Prior to the state registration of the AYLA, the organization implemented the project as the “Law Students’ Division (LSD) of the ALA” – a subdivision of the Armenian Lawyers ‘Association NGO).
Description: The objective is to conduct interviews with young lawyers and present to the public thier success, thus contributing to the establishment of a knowing, professional and experienced community of young lawyers.
“Video Polls” Project
Implementer: AYLA in partnership with independent news website (Prior to the state registration of the AYLA, the organization implemented the project as the “Law Students’ Division (LSD) of the ALA” – a subdivision of the Armenian Lawyers ‘Association NGO).
Description: The objective is to conduct a video interview with the citizens to find out the perceptions of our society about the current problems in Armenia.